Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Churro Waffles

Have you ever eaten a churro before?  Well if you haven' have no idea what your missing out on! A churro is a golden rod of pure deliciousness twisted and rolled into lots and lots of sweet cinnamon and sugar right after it's taken a crispy bath in steaming hot oil.

With one bite you are plunged into a world where both spicy and sweet live harmoniously under the Mexican sun. That seems highly appropriate doesn't it?! Seeing as Mexico is one of the many places in Latin America and Spain where churros are made fresh daily by brilliant street vendors. 

Coincidentally Mexico, or at least getting another chance to dip my toes in the warm aqua water along the beaches of Playa del Carmen is on my 2013 resolution/to do list.

Additionally, since I woke up the other morning with dreams of sugared churros in my head, and since I was no where near the Mexican border at the time I figured I'd improvise a little.   So I present to you " Churro Waffles"

What I came up with is a fluffier equally tempting version of the popular Mexican treat infused with breakfast table capabilities.


1 teaspoon salt                                                                            
4 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 cups warm milk                                 

1/3 cup butter, melted                                                
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 shakes  of cinnamon

For the churro topping-
1 cup of white sugar
1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of cinnamon (depending upon how much you love cinnamon!)
1/2 cup of melted butter


  1. In a large bowl, mix together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar; set aside.  Also at this time you can combine your churro topping and set it aside. Preheat waffle iron

      2.In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. Stir in the milk, butter and vanilla. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture;  Next fold in three shakes of cinnamon beat until blended

       3. At this time you can also melt your 1/2 cup of butter used to pour over waffles. Next generously spray your waffle iron with no stick cooking spray. Than ladle the batter into a preheated waffle iron. Cook the waffles until golden and crisp. Once fully cooked immediately pour melted butter on each side of the waffle and than dip each buttered side into your cinnamon/sugar churro mixture.

4. Devour immediately!...... I mean serve immediately, Enjoy!

Oh and I drizzled my waffles with a little extra syrup at the end. Although this waffle is obviously sweet enough, those with a definite sweet tooth can give it a whirl! In the end though I thought they were perfecto without the dulce ( sweet) extras.



Unknown said...

I'd absolutely love those waffles. Look yummy, and I'm a huge churro fan

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! I must make these! Thanks for linking up!

Unknown said...

These sound incredible!! We love waffles around here. I usually make a sourdouggh version, but these....these....are definitely on my to try list. I'm pinning so I don't forget.

I would love if you shared this recipe on my Show & Tell link party today.

the cape on the corner said...

this looks so amazingly good. the churros and chocolate dipping sauce i had in spain was the beeeest thing ever. if i had these-or your skills to make them-i think i'd have to involve a thick delcious thing of chocolate!

Six Sisters said...

We are big churro and waffle lovers, so this is definitely a keeper for us! Looks amazing! -The Six Sisters

Adorned From Above said...

This recipe looks amazing. I just pinned it and I'm following you. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Wednesday through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
Debi @ Adorned From Above

chica chocolatina said...

Thanks so much everyone for the sweet comments they really do make my day! :)

Unknown said...

What a fantastic idea. I can just imagine how good the waffles taste just by looking at them. I saw it on 36th Ave. Would love for you to share on Thursdays Treasures

Jennifer said...

Wow those look so good! I wish I had a waffle iron!

Angie Generose said...

Well, this is genius. I honestly cannot wait to try it. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

-Angie -

Anonymous said...

Oh I love churros!!! I have to try this. I hope you come by my blog to link-

Anonymous said...

These look awesome! I love churros and will have to try these.

Unknown said...

Oh Yummy - will have to make them but hide them from my husband otherwise I won't get any!

Krista said...

These look delish! They remind me of an elephant ear! Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Love seeing new faces. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

Thechattymom said...

These waffles are ridiculously good. I've made cinnamon & sugar waffles before, but never used melted butter before dousing them in the sugary mix. Brilliant! My family is a churro loving family and this is a tummy pleaser for sure!

chica chocolatina said...

I'm loving that everybody loves Churros as much as I do! Your loving comments make my day!

Carrie Robinson said...

I just got a waffle maker for Christmas so I have been on the lookout for some tasty recipes. Already pinned this one! :)
Thank you for linking up at Marvelous Mondays this week!

Rita said...

These look dangerous! I'm afraid if I started, I would not be able to start! Thanks for sharing.

Christine said...

Oh my WOW!! I must try these! Goodness they look yummy!

Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I can't wait to see what you link up this evening!

Jenna said...

Oh my word. These look divine. My man would love 'em! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!

Jenna @

Anonymous said...

You just made my day. Thank you. I will be making these soon!

Paula said...

Thanks for linking up at Riverton Housewives! We've featured you!

chica chocolatina said...

Yea!! Thanks for the feature Paula! And all the blog love from everyone!

Peasblog said...

this is so fantastic! I must try these

Lisa Joy said...

Your recipe is getting a lot of love on Pinterest today! Looks delicious!! ;)

Lindsay Artsy-Fartsy Mama said...

These waffles sound amazing!! Can't wait to try them out!

Thanks so much for linking up at Artsy Corner. You were featured this week, so stop by and grab a button! Hope to see you again this week :)

k8thegr8 said...

Yum! Two of my favorite things together! Found your link at Chocolate, Chocolate and More.
i heart eating

AttemptingAloha said...

This is going on the menu for tomorrow morning. We're huge waffle fans, and I love churros, so this is perfect! Thanks for sharing. :)


megan said...

These look awesome!! I hope I will be making them tommorow ;)

arcanetrivia said...

OMG, these sound SO delicious.

Rachel said...

YUM!! :) found your recipe via Pinterest, and just made some (late night pregnancy craving...haha!) - definitely a keeper in my book! I love that you can get the satisfaction of a delicious churro, without deep-frying anything. Love. It. Thank you so much!!!

MJ said...

These sound delicious! I am going to make them this morning! Thank you for sharing!

The Wright Family said...

Just made these and they are wonderful! Really the only thing I might change is a little less cinnamon for the cinnamon sugar. Also you can get away with about 1/2 of the melted butter for topping. Still they were delish!

Unknown said...

found you through pintrest. We have waffles every weekend. my husband makes them. I saw this and new I would need to try these. my husband is a "purist" and wouldn't try it on his waffle, but I had him try my last bite and he was like "man I wish I had eaten my waffle like that" "I have to admit it is pretty good." so now I am sure we will be making these part of our breakfast now and again.

chica chocolatina said...

I'm so happy that everyone is loving the Churro Waffles as much as I do! Especially if you have given them a try :)
@The Wright Family, we are a house that absolutely loves a lot of cinnamon and butter too! A great tip for those who like it a little lighter!

Mandy Bird said...

This awesome waffle is being featured on Totally Tasty Tuesdays this week! I've seen it floating around the web and pinterest and can't wait to try it!

chica chocolatina said...

@Mandy@Mandy's Recipe Box, Gracias, for the feature, when you try them let me know what you think!

jenn from midlife modern said...

Dude. Brilliant.

M said...

Hello. Can't wait to make these. How much waffles do they make?

Anderson Family said...

These were so good and we didn't need the maple syrup. Being from AZ I would eat churros in mexico when we would go there thanks for this awesome idea!

chiquita latina said...

They look heavenly! I am going to have to try making some of these myself!

alphager said...

Just thought that someone should give you a head's-up: John Scalzi, one of the greatest living Science-Fiction-writers alive has blogged about your recipe here: and loves it. He loves it so much that he has registered which redirects here. You're internet-famous now! ;-)

tannaz sassooni said...

these look amazing! how many waffles does this recipe make?

Anonymous said...


chica chocolatina said...

@alphager, Thanks so much for the head's up! If you could see me I would be floating on cloud nine...... Awesome!

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

I saw these on Foodbeast and thought they looked amazing. I showed my kids and they are begging me to make them asap. Thanks for a great recipe that I am sure is going to become a favorite.

Ignacio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignacio said...

No cinnamon in Spain, just sugar.

Not in Madrid, though, they fancy them 'naked'

Unknown said...

I found these via pinterest and made them this weekend. I didn't read the part about dipping the waffles in butter first, so I mixed a little butter with the cinnamon sugar mixture. Even when I made these wrong, they were still freaking amazing. I will absolutely make these again...only I'll follow the recipe next time!

chica chocolatina said...

@Bethany, So glad you found them, even happier that you loved them too!

Kitty Bradshaw said...

This whole recipe is evil... shame shame shame! lollll

Terry and Oliver: said...
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Anthony Hopper said...

They look delicious!

Janie said...

Stopping by from Totally Tasty Tuesday - these look incredible :) Cannot wait to try these and definitely pinned to share!

Dolcie said...

The waffle base is excellent!!! However, the sugar and cinnamon topping has WAY too much cinnamon in it. It looked like too much but I trusted the recipe and put in 1/2 cup anyway. My first waffle was caked in what seemed like pure cinnamon. I ended up putting half of the mixture in another container and adding more sugar to the remaining half. Also, drizzling butter didn't work for me, it just left streaks of butter on the waffle, making the streaks more pronounced when dipped in the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Next time I think brushing the waffles with melted butter would work better.

chica chocolatina said...

@Dolcie, in my family we LOVE cinnamon! Of course if it seemed too much for you, you should tailor to your taste. The butter seemed to work perfectly for me I guess it depends on how you drizzle and the size of your particular waffle. It's always great to find a method that works for you in any recipe. Thanks, for stopping by.

ejt1977 said...

I found these via Pinterest and made them this morning. They were SO GOOD. I paired them with a caramel syrup recipe I also found. Absolute heaven.

house vegan said...

I made these this morning and they were stunning, thank you. For anyone interested, I made them egg and dairy free so they are completely adaptable.

Thanks again!

JandP said...

our dentist will love you for this...

JandP said...

our dentist will love you for this...

Lillian (My Recipe Journey) said...

YUM...I love Churros! I always buy them at carnivals! I made some at home recently and LOVED it! I wish I had a waffle iron! Great post!!!

Koala said...

Hmmmmmmmmm, Great idea! I came over here via flickr and I MUST try this receipt!

chica chocolatina said...

Thanks to everyone for loving my Original Churro Waffle recipe, it really does warm my heart to know you love them as much as I!

Tracey Jernigan Dimon said...

I am not familiar with cinnamon plus. What is it?

Tracey Jernigan Dimon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I saw this recipe on Pinterest and had to give it a try. But, I have a food allergy kid who can't have dairy or wheat/ gluten. So I substituted flax milk for the regular milk, Earth Balance butter spread for the butter and Pamela's Gluten Free Baking Mix for the flour, salt and baking powder. Let me tell you just how phenomenal these waffles were! The kids devoured them! My allergy kid even said, "Mom, they taste like a real churro!" Keep in mind he hasn't had one in over four years. This is a recipe keeper for sure!

chica chocolatina said...

Awww, I'm so glad that you were able to adapt them for your little one's, it warmed my heart to hear that he/she was able to have the taste of a Churro after all that time!

Unknown said...

OMG these look amazing! It combines two of my favourite desserts, waffles and churros! cannot wait to try this! :)

Anonymous said...

What if you don't have a waffle Iron? Can you still make them?

mccart said...
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rachaelblarson said...

We made these tonight as a treat and LOVED them. I added less cinnamon and didn't use all the melted butter either (if that helps someone else). I will keep this on my treat list--a little too much sweet for breakfast for me. Kudos on such a great idea!!

Unknown said...

OMG!!! This waffle is to die for!!! SO GOOD!! thank you for the great recipe, I have a feeling its going to be our new breakfast staple in this house.. or even dinner :)

chica chocolatina said...

@rachaelblarson & Elaina Jean, thanks so much ladies for sharing. I'm so happy you feel in love with them! I adore hearing when someone tries my recipe and they enjoy them so much!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to try this recipe!!!! Greetings from Mexico (:

Not A Fake Nurse said...

These look simply amazing!! I had to run into the kitchen and make them right away!!! Yummy!! I woud like to add a few suggestions though:

I cut the cinnamon sugar amounts in half, and STILL had tons left over. But maybe I use less or made less waffles. Not sure.

Also, the amount of butter actually is important. I didn't quite have enough to pour over the fresh waffles, and I didn't have any spray for the waffle iron, so in the end they tasted just like regular waffels with cinnamon sugar over them. If you sprayed the pan and then doused them in butter, i'm sure they'd taste more like a churro. I did end up using syrup, since they were a little dry without the butter.

Overall, a yummy recipe! I look forward to perfecting it in my kitchen. =D

Dionne said...

Half a CUP of cinnamon???! Is that correct?

chiquita latina said...

I can't wait to make these for my kids!

DashaKrazny said...

I just made these for brunch and I really am scarfing them down. :) Delicious! Thanks for sharing.

chica chocolatina said...

@Chiquitalatina, let me know what you think! @ DashaKrazny, I'm thrilled that you like them!

Anonymous said...

These look delicious!! But what is cinnamon beat?? I have never heard of it before. I want to make these tommorrow for my excited!!

Anonymous said...

These look delicious!! But what is cinnamon beat?? I have never heard of it before. I want to make these tommorrow for my excited!!

Unknown said...

I made them this morning... Girl these are the best!! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!

Unknown said...

I made these for my husband (who loves churros!) for Father's Day yesterday and he loved them! My kids wanted them again this morning... lol. Great idea, thanks for sharing your recipe.

chica chocolatina said...
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chica chocolatina said...

@Carlijin & Tara, Super awesome to hear that you tried them and loved them!

Unknown said...

What is cinnamon plus? I used cinnamon sugar and they were amazing!

Unknown said...

I will never look at another waffle the same!!!!! AMAZING!!!

Jenny said...

These were AMAZING. I served them with whipped cream on top, officially making dinner a dessert-dinner. Genius recipe!

Wildpokerman said...

I'm happy the fame of the Churro waffle lives on.

CBinLB said...

Hi. This really looks amazing. Can you tell me how I can print just the recipe to Pinterst? This is a real keeper, but I can't find the "Pin" button. Thanks much.

Susy Slais said...

Churros and waffles? Just two of my favorites! Why not call them Churffles? LOL

Unknown said...

Just made them today and they are great and I definitely will make them again great recipe

Unknown said...

Just made them today and they are great and I definitely will make them again great recipe

Anonymous said...

You are a genius!!! I cannot wait to try this!

Unknown said...

I just made them for Sunday Breakfast and they were a HIT!!! I cut the waffles in strips and let the kids dip them in syrup or chocolate syrup. Thanks for a great and easy recipe.

Roberta said...

These are fabulous, only we dip our waffle into a shallow pan of Unsalted melted butter, then dredge them in the cinnamon sugar, and finally a squeeze or two from the accompaning lemon wedges, simply sublime!

Lam said...

WIN! Just made this them this morning and they were fabulous! Thanks for the recipe.

Unknown said...

Wat z 3 shakes of cinnamon plus

Sarah F. said...

I made these this week and they were DELICIOUS! I mean, mine weren't nearly as pretty as yours, but they still tasted great! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Oooh this looks amaazing! *drools*

m11angel said...

I made these this morning...turned out great..EXCEPT, there was way too much cinnamon in the sugar-cinnamon topping. I think if I make this again I will use 1 cup of sugar and maybe 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon. It was empowering and tasted like red hots! So we had to just sprinkle a little on the rest. Otherwise good batter, just needs tweaking.

Gracy said...

Great recipe! It has become a family favorite! I also decreased the cinnamon at the end.

Mom to the mighty Zman said...

I want to try making these with a gluten free flour. I hope it works! Your recipe sounds so delicious!

Sanna1311 said...

I tried your recipe today and it´s sooo good :-)
I made some changes because in Germany we don´t like it soo much sweet but that is no problem! I hope it is ok that I put a link to your recipe on my blog?


chica chocolatina said...

@Sandra...I'm so glad you enjoyed my waffles and tried them even though they are definitely swirled with sugar! I am also super excited that my waffles are being eaten all the way in Germany!

Wendy said...

OUTSTANDING! I never get enough churro flavor even here in Southern California and this makes it even easier! Very clever recipe! I'm going to try making the waffles ahead and freezing them. I'll just reheat in the oven, dip in melted butter and then the spicy sugar and be good to go whenever I get a craving. I think it will work! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe! Wendy H, Claremont CA

chica chocolatina said...

Thanks,Wendy...never thought about freezing them, what a great idea!

Wendy said...

Hi there! Reporting back. Freezing works great! I take them out of the freezer bags, put them on a baking tray on my grill, lower the cover and warm until crisp, dip in butter and roll in sugar and cinnamon! It's going with me on our camping trip. I've saved this in my "Heirloom Recipe File" to give to every new bride in my family! Thanks again for this wonderful recipe.

thatgirlblogs said...

Made these today and posted on my blog with a link back and all credit to you and your recipe.

Found you on Pinterest.

Unknown said...

Does anyone know how many waffle they make in a normal size waffle iron?

bao0504 said...

Hello! Is cinnamon plus just regular cinnamon? and what do you mean by 3 shakes...

Unknown said...

what in the world is a cinnamon shake

Unknown said...

Made these for the kids breakfst this morning. They were wonderful. My kids im the best mom for making these for them. So i would to say thank you fir that. The only thing i change in ur recipe was the milk, i only had almond and it turn out the same....

Unknown said...

Did you really mean to say 1/2 CUP of cinnamon? I ended up using about 2-3 T instead.

They were delicious!


Georgia said...

I made this for breakfast today. It's a keeper.

Queen of Oakville said...

I made these on the weekend and they were a huge hit! I really cut back on the cinnamon sugar though as I did not want to use 1/2 cup of cinnamon!!!! I cut it back to 1/4 cup of cinnamon and 1/2 cup of sugar but even that was too much. I brushed the waffles with melted butter (using a pastry bush) and then used a spoon to sprinkle on the cinnamon sugar. I just did one side and the kids seemed to love it. Served with whipped cream. I have PLENTY of cinnamon sugar left, which is good because I plan to make it again :) if you don't plan to dip like the recipe calls for, you can make far less of the cinnamon sugar and still be fine. I also wanted to add that this is a REALLY yummy waffle recipe even without the butter and cinnamon sugar. You could make these plain and serve with fruit or syrup. I like that the recipe doesn't called for whipped egg whites which always adds a lot of extra work to a waffle recipe.

chica chocolatina said... yes I did say 1/2 depends on how much cinnamon you love! @Georgia, thank you that means a lot! @Queen of Oakville I'm so happy you loved them and glad you could modify them to your liking! Thank you all for visiting...hope you come back soon!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Plated these less than 10 minutes ago and they are gone! Awesome recipe :-)

Jenni Stephens said...

These were very good. A hybrid of churros and cinnamon sugar cake donuts. Quick and easy.

José said...

Mexico has a great amount of delicious and healthy ingredients. Casa Adelita prepares nutritive treats from these with nice confectionery.

Unknown said...

We absolutely loved these - it's a great combo, churros and waffles YUM!

Unknown said...

I am absolutely in heaven. This dream came to life like Walt Disney's dynasty

Unknown said...

And your from flushing 😍

Unknown said...

And your from flushing 😍

Unknown said...

I am absolutely in heaven. This dream came to life like Walt Disney's dynasty

Unknown said...

Made these today, we are definitely adding them as a holiday brunch staple! Thanks for sharing. =)

horrisPmctitty said...
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Amy said...

Our family loves churros, so this is perfect! I do have one things I think you should consider editing. My husband made these and he reads step by step and didn't really look ahead (he did but forgot about the comments). He combined all the topping ingredients like the first step said. But when reading later he noticed his mistake. Could you please have it read, "combine the dry ingredients of the topping" in the first step?
Thanks again!

Krazymomof3 said...

Yummtastic! I'm pretty sure that's what my kids were saying between mouth fulls! These were great. Super filling. I cut the cinnamon in the topping to 1/4 cup and ended up needing more butter for the drizzling. But otherwise,I followed the recipe exactly and the kids and the hubby loved them. They all drizzled chocolate sauce on top and spray whipped cream was great! Now I need to go walk 10 miles to burn these babies off! Hahaha Thank you for the recipe. A new keeper for our waffle Wednesdays.

Krazymomof3 said...

Yummtastic! I'm pretty sure that's what my kids were saying between mouth fulls! These were great. Super filling. I cut the cinnamon in the topping to 1/4 cup and ended up needing more butter for the drizzling. But otherwise,I followed the recipe exactly and the kids and the hubby loved them. They all drizzled chocolate sauce on top and spray whipped cream was great! Now I need to go walk 10 miles to burn these babies off! Hahaha Thank you for the recipe. A new keeper for our waffle Wednesdays.

Unknown said...

Has anyone tried to make these low carb? Going to give it a shot.

Unknown said...

Has anyone tried to make these low carb? Going to give it a shot.

Unknown said...

Looks yummy I always enjoy to eat this..

Tiphanie said...

I made these waffles twice in one weekend! My kids loved them, and so did I. It really does taste like a churro! Thanks for the recipe!

Diego said...

Thans for the recepie of waffles

smc61816 said...

Can you use waffle mix as base???

xs cd said...

When we go through the commercial waffler, it is completely amicable in providing the state-of-the art- services within the food industry. This incorporates all the basic elements of the ordinary maker along with the aspects of the modern technological one. Find more at this website.

Unknown said...

Hola! You have crafted a much different version of making churro waffles than I've been making. Your way seems to be less complicated to be honest, lol!! Nontheless, churro waffles are FREAKIN' AMAZING!! I started making them a few months ago for my nieces and they fell in LOVE with them-even though they had absolutely NO CLUE what churro's were to begin with, lol! So glad to see another version pop up!! I shall yours now!

Unknown said...

These came out so good!! I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so I added half the sugar to the topping. I used a basting brush to apply the butter to the waffles before coating them. They turned out AMAZING!!!!!!! I love this recipe so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Just made these waffles and they are extremely easy and delicious! Even a beginner like me can perfect these. THESE ARE A MUST TRY!!

Williams said...

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Patty C said...

Made these this morning and they were a huge hit. I had to make a second batch because the first batch was gone the moment they took the first bite, they ran back for seconds. Definitely a recipe to keep!!! They were also extremely easy to make!

Liz G said...

I am a BIG fan of 6 Sisters!!🤩

Liza Perez said...

I love churros! And usually make them. I made them this morning. But this waffle recipe it’s absolutely delicious. I love that it’s easy to make compared to others. It’s a keeper.

Jes said...

I don’t get the 3 shakes of cinnamon. What does that mean?

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Kenneth said...

Grateful for Exceptional Data Recovery: A Heartfelt Thanks to Paradox Recovery Wizard

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Paradox Recovery Wizard team for their exceptional tool. Your software has been a lifesaver, efficiently recovering crucial data that I thought was lost forever. The user-friendly interface and the swift recovery process made a daunting task remarkably simple and stress-free.
I highly recommend Paradox Recovery Wizard to anyone facing data loss issues. Its reliability, ease of use, and effectiveness are unparalleled. Kudos to the team for developing such a fantastic solution. Thank you once again for your invaluable assistance.


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