Thursday, June 26, 2014

Churro French Toast

Hola Amigos.! Lots of wonderful things going on in my vida(life) right now so I had to take a little break.

And although I've been gone and you haven't seen any new posts or photos.

I dream of sugar and baking up sweet ooey gooey love!

I assure my ovens have remained hot and I have so many new super delicioso recipes to share!

I know for you guys as well....things can get pretty busy en la vida (in life), crazy mañanas with long listas of things to do! 

But every since I was a young Chica, I was always told that breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

I also believe one can never be too busy for something sweet,

so I figured why not jumpstart your day with a wonderful mix of  los dos ( both)!

So may I present to you a magically delicious addition to your busy mañana (morning )guaranteed to make you.......

okay maybe you can't

but the taste is so buttery and delicious your mouth while have no choice but to slow down and smile!

Vamos a la cocina


For the French Toast
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup milk
4 large eggs
10 to 12 slices white bread ( I love texas toast it's thicker and holds up great once dipped)
For the Churro
1/2 stick of butter (melted)
3/4 cup of sugar
1 tsp of cinnamon
chocolate syrup or maple syrup (optional for those without a super sweet tooth)
  1. Break all the eggs into a wide, shallow bowl or pie plate; beat lightly with a fork. Stir in milk, vanilla and cinnamon .
  2. Over medium-low heat, heat griddle or skillet coated with a thin layer of butter, margarine or cooking spray.
  3. Place the bread slices, one at a time, into the bowl or plate, letting slices soak up egg mixture for a few seconds, if needed lightly shake extra cinnamon onto bread slice then carefully turn to coat the other side. Soak/coat only as many slices as you will be cooking at one time.
  4. Transfer bread slices to griddle or skillet, heating slowly until bottom is golden brown. Turn and brown the other side.  Place cooked French toast on a separate plate until it's time to dip in the Churro mixture.
  5. Once all your French Toast is done combine your 3/4 cup of sugar and your teaspoon of cinnamon in a shallow plate or dish. Melt 1/2 stick of butter about 45 secs or until completely melted pour it into a shallow bowl or pie plate , One at a time dip your cooked bread slices in the butter mixture and then place butter coated bread into your cinnamon sugar Churro mixture making sure to coat each side equally with cinnamon-sugary goodness!
  6. Now that the hard part is over here comes the  easy! Stack your plate with as many slices of Churro French Toast that you think  your belly can handle. Now if your a complete sugar addict( like some Chica that I know cough, cough!) this is the moment that you can either swirl on some maple syrup or heat up a small cup of your favorite chocolate syrup. I personally love the taste of Churros dipped in chocolate glazed Churro French Toast es tan Perfecto para mi! ( so Perfect for me)


Anonymous said...

My goodness, this looks good! I love churros, or most anything with cinnamon sugar. Thanks for a great recipe!

Justine Y @ Little Dove said...

Oh... I will have to try these! Looks amazing! Pinned!

chica chocolatina said...

Thanks Ladies, please share with me when you have a chance to try them yourselves!

Unknown said...

Holy cow, this French toast is GORGEOUS! I love churros so much and bet this tastes amazing!

Amy | Club Narwhal

chica chocolatina said...

@amyleescott.....yup! It really is Amazing...I love classic French Toast but I adore it Churrofied! lol...hope you like it to! Thanks for the compliment.

The Cookie Puzzle said...

I wanted to let you know that I loved your post so much that I picked it as one of my features at the Party in Your PJs link party this week. Please join us again this week at the party!

SimplySweetsbyHoneybee{Melissa} said...

I love all things that combine sugar and cinnamon that's why this recipe immediately stood out and made me drool. Your recipe was so loved that you got two features on the Party in Your PJ's link party. I featured you as well. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

chica chocolatina said...

OmG....Thank you so much Melissa and Kim...I've been away from blogging for a while and this is my first post since December. I'm so excited to have two features my first week back!...Thanks so much! Besitos..

BeforetheClockStrikesMidnight said...

Thanks for sharing!! I cannot wait to make this recipe! :)

Anonymous said...

so good...
i really liked

chica chocolatina said...

gracias! happy you enjoyed them!

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