Sunday, September 30, 2012

Best Ever Chocolate Mexicano- Mexican Hot Chocolate

Parting is such sweet truer words were spoken, especially if you are part of a ultra fun cooking club.

 I found the I heart cooking club by chance, what are the odds that a cooking club that features many different chefs at any given month was featuring the chef I idolize as a " culinary rock star" during the month I stumbled upon it?! I have no question that it was meant to be, especially since I've been meaning to give Rick Bayless' recipes a try but somehow other recipes have gotten in the way. So now the end is here and the cooking club is moving on to a new chef, I will continue my lance de amor pron: lohn-say day- ah-more ( love affair) see doesn't lance de amor sound so much sweeter than just a plain old love affair!

Upholding my belief that everything sounds so much better en Espanol! Okay with that said, here are a few of my favorite Rick recipes so far. This last one is my final entry, which is hands down my favorite one. It's simple and sweet, no fuss no muss just a super easy recipe that leaves you thirsty for more.......literally.

I have always heard how rich and delicious Mexican Hot Chocolate was, but perhaps the fact that I didn't own a molinillo (a traditional turned Mexican wooden whisk) was a deterrent.

I felt like to make an authentic cup of Mexican Hot Chocolate the molinillo was a must, but I finally conceded and decided to give it a try. With my wooden spatula in hand, I stirred the huge cinnamon infused chocolate tablet until it transformed into hot froththy wonderfulness.

Estoy tan feliz(I'm so happy)that I did, my chicas couldn't stop drinking it and giving me praise for all my hard work!

With the last drop sipped, and the chill of fall in the air,we as a familia dubbed Mexican Hot Chocolate our official winter drink...but not until one my chicas suggested that we add a few marshmallows and a splash of cinnamon..leave it to my chicas to add a little American flair! Maybe their on to time perhaps I will add a little American spirits! Salud ♥

Mexican Challah Grilled Cheese, this was so rich and creamy, I can see this sandwich showing up muchas veces ( many times) in my casa!

Raspberry Rosita- Raspberry-Lemonade Corona helped sweeten my relationship with beer, a refreshing summertime sipper you won't want to put down!

I love the taste of this Dulce Cajeta, it's suave (smooth), dulce (sweet) and perfect on almost anything!

Adapted from Rick Bayless’ Mexico One Plate at a Time (Mexican Hot Chocolate)


2 1/2 cups milk or water

1 tablet 3.3oz Mexican Chocolate -( Ibarra or Abuelita, found in the Hispanic grocery aisle)

Optional- Marshmallows and sprinkle of cinnamon


Combine 2 ½ cups milk or water and 1 tablet 3.3oz of coarsely chopped Mexican chocolate, such as Ibarra, in a 2-quart saucepan; stir over medium heat until mixture is steaming hot and the chocolate more-or-less dissolved (there will still be small pieces). Pour into a blender or you can usea hand held immersion blender and tall pitcher. If using a blender, loosely cover or remove lid’s center piece to eliminate pressure build-up; blend until mixture is foamy, about 30 seconds. Pour into cups. Serve immediately.

Makes 2 1/2 cups approx or four 6-ounce servings.


  1. I thought about making this before I went with horchata instead. If it was a tiny bit cooler here I would be all over it. So glad you found us and cooked along with Rick. Here's hoping you give our next chef a try. ;-)

  2. Ohhh!!...It's so good, it has moved to my list of fav's! Thanks so much for hosting the club, I had a lot of fun!

  3. Your chocolate looks so good! Have not tried Mexican choc before, only because I could not find it!
    See you again with our new chef?
    Have a great week!

  4. You can find Mexican Chocolate many times in the Hispanic aisle of your grocery store. Or in a Mexican tienda if you have one near.

  5. Lovely! I haven't found Mexi chocolate here in my part of Canada yet - but I hope to try it soon!

  6. I lOOooooOOve Mexican hot cocoa. And gosh- your blog design is so super adorable. I just found you via Love Bakes Good Cakes and I'm your happy new follower! Can't freaking wait to see more, my dear!


  7. @ Natashya, believe me it's so worht the search, and remember you can always order it online :). My chicas would say you may not have Mexi Chocolate, but you've got Justin Bieber LOl! @ Amberly, thank you for the compliment I am now blushing! ♥

  8. I so miss great Mexican food now that I have left So. Cal. This brings back memories. Thank you. I would like to invite you to my blog hop. I just know my fans would adore this.

  9. Mmmmm this looks so yummy. And perfect b/c we've been so cold here in Indiana w/ temps only in the 40s. Thanks for sharing at Church Supper, love seeing new faces. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  10. @Tilly's Nest, thank you for the invite! @Krista, temps actually hit around the 40's here in Jersey and I'm already so in the mood for a warm cup!

  11. Um wow!! I'm so glad that I'm following you, it all looks delicious! Thanks for sharing:)

