Monday, July 2, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie & Oreo Pancakes

Well, what do you know? I'm seriously, SERIOUSLY NOT a morning breakfast person, I promise this is highly unlike me to keep making these unique breakfasts' for my chicas. Don't get me wrong I

totally believe in the whole " breakfast is the most important meal of the day idea", but I do feel that a nice cold bowl of cereal, a piece of fruit and yogurt is not a horrible start. Most of the time they are

practically begging me to make them apples and cinnamon oatmeal because they say " I make it the best EVER and most people don't like oatmeal because they haven't had mine" True Story! I do take

pride in my oatmeal making skills and fell that most people add way to much water until it is the consistency of a watery soup.....ick!  My oatmeal is more like a buttery and creamy rich mound of

warm oatmeal cookie, with a plum sprinkle of raisins. Ahhhh, just thinking of it makes me want to make myself a bowl, but I will resist the least long enough to finish the post. 

So this time I decided to use my stint as the " Morning Mami Gourmet" to make something completely chica and chico friendly.  Like many little one's my chicas love chocolate chip cookies

and oreo cookies and I thought what if I surprised them and mixed their favorite treat into their
favorite breakfast food?

To say it was a hit is an understament, as they were chomping breakfast/dessert/deliciousness they continued to reassure me that I continued to hold my spot as the "Best Mom Ever"! LOL! I let them know that it was because I had the "Best Kids Ever"! Yea we're sickening sweet like that to each other :).

So this is by no means a meal that I would serve each day for breakfast, it is a sugar rich, chocolatey, belly filler. But it will go on the list as an occasional special morning goodie.

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