Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mexican Chocolate Pancakes

So for a few weeks ago I was shocking my children with what they call " exotic breakfasts'", I am

not a big morning person so it takes me a minute to jumpstart my day.

That usually does not leave me with the desire to prepare an all inclusive

"gourmet" breakfast for my chicas so early in the morning. I have to

admit that I did love the great big smiles on their faces when they

pulled their chairs up  to a plato stacked high with Red Velvetina
Pancakes or dunking their forks into a dripping heap of Mexican Chocolate French Toast.  This is probably the reason why on the first weekend of their summer vacation I

was compelled to start them of with something equally yummy and made

them these Mini Mexican Chocolate Pancakes.  This time when I called

them for breakfast the look on their faces wasn't a perfectly pleased grin

but a look of shock, they thought for sure my stint as " The Morning

Mami Gourmet Chef" was over. As

they eagerly took their seats, I said I wasn't sure how many times

"Morning Mami" would show up this summer, but wouldn't it be

interesting to anticipate her return!...... What were their reactions?.......Ummm ok so that didn't go over so well......(insert looks that were very displeased).

LOL! If she does happen to make her prescence again I will keep you updated on her arrival and subsequent retun.


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