Thursday, October 17, 2013

500 Grand Brownies

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Well actually these are made from 100 grand chocolate bars, not 500 ( don't worry the story behind why they are 500 instead of 100 is on the way!)

If you've never tried one they are crispy bars of smooth caramelly,  (pretty sure this is not a word...but they are that good!) chocolaty deliciousness.

They are everything that makes my mouth Super Feliz! (happy)  You know what else made me Super Feliz ?!  Reaching 500 likes on Facebook last week , I was so excited that I decided to celebrate with a chocolate fiesta! 

So in honor of my awesome fans I made you guys these chocolate brownies filled and sprinkled with super rich 100 grand bars....

oh and did I forget to tell you I slathered them with fudge frosting and warm dulce de leche! 

Oh yeah, the story behind the name.......

I named them 500 grand bars in honor the 500 super awesome people who like my yumminess so much that they want immediate updates via their news feeds! 

Definitely seemed appropriate for the occasion but in all honesty I used so many 100 grand bars that a more realistic title would be 2 million grand bars!.....

but hey it's a celebration, so who's counting!

Vamos a La Cocina!

Ingredients ( Fudge Frosting)




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