Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Asi es la vida, That's Life!

Sometimes in life you get little hiccups that take you away from your normal day to day routines. Often times they aren't expected and you never see them coming.

When these moments happen you have no choice but to reorganize and reprioritize and in the middle of getting things back to normal you may have to put things that you really love on hold. That's exactly what's happened to me, and as much as I love my blog and it is absolutely killing me not to be able to bring you all the yumminess that's in my head.

Right now  I'm still in the middle of reconstruction but I promise you that the things I have been dreaming of making are exactly what dreams are made of......literally!

can't tell you exactly when I will be able to return to the sweeter side of things, but I promise it won't be too much longer. In the meanwhile, although I'm not able to entice you with all my dulce (sweet) please believe that I have all intentions of pumping your veins full of sugary goodness when I return! 

Until then please stick with me, and keep checking back often I promise it will be worth the wait.......if you guys leave me now I would miss you all so much!

                                                               Besitos, xoxoxo


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