Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rolo Rum Pancakes

I have always been mesmerized by the taste of chocolate and carmel
and since I can remember I have eaten anything with a mix of the two.

Caramellos, Snicker Bars, Twix are just some of the caramely, chocolaty; treats that I would beg my mother for while checking out at the grocery store. 

Most of the time she would agree and I would happily go home eager to get to my cotton candy pink bedroom and rip open the package and enjoy the sugar rush with chocolate all over my face and caramel dripping from my little fingers.

But Rolos have always been my absolute favorite, I loved that they came in a individual roll so that I

could savor each bite one by one, and if I had the willpower I could even save some for later ( OK so

none were ever saved......but it's the thought that counts). As the years have gone by my tastes have

become.....cough.....cough.....  a little more refined and I realized that there are things that can enhance

the taste of both chocolate and caramel oh and a Coca Cola too!........RUM ♥ Oh Rum, Como Te Amo!  So that's how the idea for these Rolo Rum Pancakes came to me, it's a mix of my young amor with my new amor all in one single plate.

The Rolos and the rum where mixed into the pancake batter which gave them a chocolate, caramel taste with a grown up twist, the addition of chocolate sauce and a homemade dulce de leche rum drizzle sent these pancakes into a whole new atmosphere. 

For those who may not be into mixing their breakfast with their liquor or if you prefer a kid friendly version, all you have to due is substitute the rum for an all natural rum extract! Enjoy ♥

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