Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mango-Creamsicle Paleta

So in my opinion, the internet is like a giant spider web....not the small little kind that you swat from your car sideview mirror. Rather the extra-mumbo jumbo kind that is so huge you just know it is from the Amazon jungle and withstood the thousands of mile journey in some unsuspecting American's suitcase, and now it returns to your backdoor every season constructing its massive entangled fibers and haunting your every waking moment! But,........But!......also in the middle of this web there is a giant black holes that has millions and millions of tunnels, but instead of them being dark and scary they are filled with bright, sunshiney things that are made of everything you love and adore!! ♥ Captivating isn't it......yeah I know, ok so while I was traversing through wonderland I came upon a cooking club blog.  The blog was celebrating the cookbooks of Rick Bayless, and for me he is like a culinary rockstar and the king of Mexican cooking.  I was excited to join in because I've had his cookbooks for a while but still haven't ceased an opportunity to try many of his recipes. First up the club was making "Nieves" which are frozen treats, in Spanish " la nieve" is snow so that means I could make any frozen treat from Rick Bayless' recipes. Raspados (Sno-Cones), Helados (Ice Cream ), Aguas Frescas( Natural Juice Drinks ) and Paletas ( Popsicles).  I choose paletas because I've been wanting to make them for a while, I chose mango because it's becoming my new favorite fruta and I decided to add a little cream to it because me encanta creamsicles and a Mango-Creamsicle Dreamsicles Paleta sounds absolutamente delicioso! ♥

Mexican Mango Paletas

Makes 8 2-ounce popsicles

2 scant cups coarsely pureed peeled and pitted fruit (for really thick purees, like mango, you’ll probably want to use 1 ½ cups of fruit and a ½ cup of water; with looser purees, I wouldn’t add any water)

1 to 4 tablespoons sugar—superfine sugar works best here (you can buy it or make it by running regular granulated sugar in your food processor for several minutes)

½ to 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 cup of frozen vanilla yogurt

1.In a medium-size bowl or in a 1-qurt measuring cup with a pour spout, combine the fruit with the minimum quantities of sugar and lime. Taste and determine what your fruit needs. Remember: when the mixture is frozen, flavors will be slightly muted; go for slightly sweeter and slightly tarter than you’d normally like. Stir the mixture until the sugar has dissolved completely. Add 1 cup of vanilla frozen yogurt, stir until well incorporated then fill your molds, leaving about ¼-inch of head space to allow for expansion. Set the lids in place and insert the sticks through the holes, leaving 1 ½ to 2 inches exposed.

2.Freeze until firmly set (this should take a couple of hours, though feel free to make them several days ahead if that’s more convenient). To remove the Popsicles, first remove the lids, then squeeze the sides of the molds, twisting them slightly, to dislodge the pop. (If necessary, rinse the molds under hot water first.) These look festive and fun set out for your friends in a chilled bowl, all the sticks poking up.

Recipe adapted from Rick Bayless- frontera desserts


  1. Yum!!!! I love mango anything, too...and I'm crazy for paletas (and of course for Rick Bayless), so these are perfect. SO delicious. Happy you've joined in IHCC and thanks for sharing with my Summer of the Popsicle, as well =)

  2. Thank you Heather, for the sweet compliment and thanks again for creating Summer of Popsicles! I love the idea ♥

  3. Wow - I am with Heather - I love mango anything too!
    Delicious pops - I want one!

  4. I'm with everyone else. Anything mango is fantastic served cold out of the freezer. These look creamy and delicious. So glad to have you join us:)

  5. Happy to have you cooking along with us! Mango is my favorite fruit and these look amazing. ;-)
