Saturday, June 9, 2012

Twinkie Hot Dogs & Frijoles

So today was my daughter's end of the year barbecue at her school, I spent all day yesterday trying to find an waffle ice cream sandwich maker so that I could make waffle ice cream sandwiches for the event.

 I was desperately searching / half trying to remember exactly where I saw said " sandwich maker just three short days before". When I originally saw it in the store I marveled at how adorable it was but it

was something I didn't need at that time. Fast forward to three days later when I decided that the ice cream maker was so charming and imagined all the ninos in my daughters school running around the

grass in the hot summer sun with one of my creamy sweet ice cream sandwiches, a trail of party cake ice cream dripping down their elbows and them overjoyed that Jaelyn had " such a cool mom that

she  not only made mouthwatering but such suitable treats for the pre-summer climate. Ha ha! Of course in my mind's eye every chica and chico in my daughter's class absolutely adore my treats

and to thank her for having such a solid mom they surround her in a circle and hold her in the air and sing " for she's a jolly good fellow"! Okay so that never happens......well if it did she never told me,

but she does say that the ninos are always very happy to find out I will be bestowing a little sweetness on their class. So I'm saying all this because after a day of searching for everything needed to make

waffle ice cream sandwich goodness, as I am coming through the door my daughter hands me a note. The note says "that the event dessert table is already full, and if I would like to bring something for

the end of the year that would be great"  Huh? Okay kind of random but I never did find the waffle ice cream sandwich maker, looked it up online and realized that it wasn't actually an electric

appliance that I saw, rather a cookie sheet with waffle shaped indentations for cake. So I guess my waffle dreams weren't meant to be and I was actually kind of relieved at the same time because I

was exhausted from a long day at work and waffle maker hunting. I went to bed that night very peaceful and actually slept like a baby.......The next morning however was a whole other thing, It was

the baking fairy had subconsciously brainwashed me in my blissful sleep and I awoke with nothing but thoughts of dread because I had nothing to bring to my daughter's BBQ! How could I go empty

handed?! What if I got there walked past the dessert table and saw a gaping empty whole where one

irresponsible mom had promised her sweet faced chica that she would bring something but showed up with nothing. Then that would be the space where my wafflewich's ( waffle sandwich) could have

gone.  With those thoughts racing through my mind I calculated the hours that I had to rapidamente concoct a BBQ worthy dessert, and after 20 agonizing minutes I remembered seeing these cute little 

hot dogs somewhere before and decided that they would be a perfect and a quick treat to bring to the BBQ. Just what I needed  to set my panic at ease.

 So here are what I call my "Twinkie Hot Dogs & Frijoles" or otra vez en in ingles " Hot Dogs and Beans". These were actually so quick and easy that I plan to make them my go to dessert for any BBQ's I attend this summer.

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