Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jalapeno-Chocolate Glazed Donuts

So I joined a cooking club last week and it really is a lot of fun, flipping through the cookbooks of the chef of the moment  trying to find a recipe you want to recreate and giving it your own spin.  It actually feeds many of my addictions all at once!

My amor for baking, my need to be creative and my infatuation for picture taking.  It's my own little therapy that I get to attend each and every week, but I have to be honest I was a little hesitant for this

weeks challenge, it called for using something green. Any food, Any fruit, Anything as long as it was green, now I know what your saying there is no challenge in that. The foods that fit in that category

can go to infinity: green apples, kiwis, grapes, limes and even honey dew melons.  But honestly when
I found out what the challenge of the week was I only had one green thing in mind!.......Jalapenos!

Yea... I know of all things, but jalapenos were on my mind and if I was going to add an entry it had to be with jalapenos.  I know that jalapenos really don't fit the mold when it comes to dessert making,

but once before I had dreams of a cupcake swirled with guava butter cream infused with jalapenos. When I tell you it was one of the most delicious cupcakes ever tasted, it is no lie. A friend of mine

loved them so much that she says she has dreams of a cupcake tower full of them and made a vow that the day she walks down the aisle I will make her dream come true! ♥ OK so back to

green, since then I've had other ideas for a unique dessert with jalapenos, what is it you ask? Drum roll please.....dah.dah,dah,dah.dahhhh! DONUTS! Yes, donuts almost as loco as cupcakes but I think

this one went a little further. So I decided to break out my mini donut maker and give it a whirl, I decided that I would use a vanilla cake base, then dip the tops in a semi-sweet chocolate glaze and top

them them with spicy jalapenos. Okay so it sounded good in theory ( well at least to me, lol) and even better in my head, but I'm not sure my taste buds agreed. The donut was delicioso and the chocolate

glaze was dulce, but the jalapenos were MUY, MUY CALIENTE! Yeah , Hola!!!, Jalapenos are well known for their heat, but I think they were a little overwhelming for the donut and the chocolate. 

Sniff, sniff, sniff, I have to admit I was a little sad when I didn't reach the heights of culinary success with my notion that jalapenos one day will be replacing the cherry in the dessert world.  But I still am

not giving up, I promised myself I will try again.....maybe this time with a pure chocolate donut.... I don't know I have to think, but if any one has the courage to give this recipe a try, or an idea for me let me know. 
Until then Viva El Jalapeno ♥

Recipe Adapted from Bella Cucina Mini-Donut Maker

    1 cup flour
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 Tbsp baking powder
    1 egg
    1/2 cup milkoo1/2 tsp vanilla
    4 Tbsp cooking oil
Stir dry ingredients, then add the egg, milk, and vanilla. Beat 1 minute. Add oil, beat 1 minute more. Don't overbeat.  Cook according to donut machine instructions.

Each donut uses about 3/4 Tbsp batter. Makes 28-35 mini donuts

For the glaze,

1/2 cup of heavy cream
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips or any chip you desire

Pour the heavy cream in to  microwave bowl, heat for about 2 minutes until the cream boils. As soon as heavy cream is removed from microwave, stir in the chocolate chips until completely melted. One at a time dip donuts in the glaze, dip twice for a thicker glaze. Garnish with chocolate sprinkles and jalapenos.

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