Friday, August 31, 2012

August Foodie Pen pal Reveal Day !

So today is the big reveal for a group I joined last month called Foodie Pen pals,  you can learn what it's all about in length here. The basic gist of it is that you are assigned a Foodie Pen pal basically from anywhere across the country, you send them a box of food goodies of your choice.

That's exciting enough for me because I am always anxious to try new and unique foods and I'm equally excited to have others try some of the things that I think are awesome too! Plus who doesn't love to see a package with your name on it sitting on the front steps. It's basically like Christmas morning every month except with food! I'm down for that! Obviously I was super excited to open up my box the day that the package arrived, I couldn't wait to see what was inside! I know you do too, so here it is!

1. The bag of Teddy Grahams was part of a mad grab  between my 2 chicas as soon as I opened the box, I think there may be a handful of tiny bears left at the bottom of the bag by now!

2. The crystal light was perfect because I've been on a pure water kick for the summer, I have almost sworn of soda ( wayyy too much sugar) so this was a great alternative to high calorie juice drink.

3. I've actually never tried Luna or Larabars but I have been interested to see what they taste like and chocolate chip brownie and s'mores would be my first pick! If you didn't already know, I have a Grande Amor with all things choco-latte ♥

4.  I know this may sound a little bit strange but I have never actually purchased or eaten a bag of granola. Of course I have eaten it in ready made products such as granola bars and in cereal, if anyone has any other ideas let me know. I guess I could make some chocolate granola bars for the chicas lunch next week.

5. Now the bag of mangoes were the perfect addition to my morning oatmeal, even the baby enjoyed her mango oatmeal. Delicioso!

6. I also received a pack of chocolate supreme and caramel hot cocoa. Now these I haven't laid a finger on because I am waiting for the first sign of snow and I will have a huge fiesta to celebrate the fact that the 100 degree, sweltering hot days of summer are way behind me. I'm sorry but I just can't take the heat, I am definitely more of cool or cold weather girl!

 So who is the person behind these treat?....Well her name is Tracy and I would like to give a big " Gracias" for sharing some of her favorite things with me, it made my day so super dulce ( sweet) and not to mention my chicas as well. If you have a chance visit her blog and see what great food she received.

Now that this month is over, I'm so excited that I get to do it all over again! My first experience  with Foodie Pen pal was so enjoyable, I can't wait to see what's in store for September!

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