Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dos Mundos-Mexican Chocolate French Toast

Last Sunday I decided to slow down and resist the idea of handing my chicas a cereal box, some toast and orange juice and calling it an easy Sunday morning. I had been in the grocery store the previous afternoon and spotted a bag of that thick sliced white bread called "Texas Toast". At that moment I wasn't quite sure when or how I would use it, but that morning when I entered my kitchen an idea came to mind. At first it was to make regular old French Toast, but than another idea came to me out of nowhere (well maybe not exactly nowhere) It was actually while I had the cinnamon in my hand, I thought to myself what goes good with cinnamon? And literally 10 seconds later I had an "aha moment" and if a little light bulb could magically appear above my head that would've been the moment. Chocolate! Chocolate goes perfect with cinnamon, why not make Mexican Chocolate French toast.

I know this seems a little bit odd since the name of this original entree "French Toast" is obviously self serving but I feel that when the two come together it's a spectacular thing. At first bite my daughter said it was huge piece of not quite cookie, not quite french toast heaven! I would have to agree they were like no other I have tasted before. And since these two worlds came together so perfectly I like to call them my " When Mexico Met France" or my " Dos Mundos" (Two Worlds) Toast.